Monday, May 18, 2009

i had my third treatment today. all was well. my doctor is pleased with my progress. he said the lump has definitely shrunk. i was mistaken a while ago about the other benign cyst in my pelvic area. it won't be removed at the time of my surgery. it may not ever need to come out. that will be determined by my gyn at a later time. thanks kat for sitting with me again today. it means a lot that you give up that time to come and encourage me. i am looking forward to seeing my helpers this week, even though i wish i was seeing you under different circumstances. elisabeth graduates kindergarten on saturday, so please pray for my strenght to be back by then. i plan to go no matter what, but it would be nice to truly be able to celebrate. love jennifer


  1. Great to hear that there is positive progress. I'll be praying for you Saturday.

  2. I have also dealt with anger and frustration with having a chronic illness. I am not comparing it to yours but anger is real and has to be dealt with or it will affect all your decisions, whether you know it or not. I have found if I stay on top of it at least I am making decisions knowing it is there. Therefore I can chose to make good decisions most of the time. God's best as He leads you through the deep waters.

  3. Jennifer,
    I'd like to send you an e-mail since I don't know how to send a comment without the whole world seeing what I write. I don't know how all this stuff works! Please send me your e-mail address. Tina(h) Morton
