Wednesday, August 19, 2009

hi. i know its been a while. there has not been much to report. i have been keeping busy painting my family room. it's almost done. i go tomorrow for surgery. i'm not sure why but dr. abubakr decided i should not have my port removed yet. the surgery is set to start around 7:30 am and should be done by around 9:00. i will have a drain for a few days for my lymph nodes and that will be removed next week. thank you shama for all the yummy food. i don't know how much of it i will get, but i know sid and the girls will enjoy it and it's nice to not have to worry about it. i will update after surgery as soon as possible but it may be a few days. thanks for the prayers, jennifer


  1. I'm still praying too Jennifer. Peace, peace and more peace on you are your family.
