Friday, April 10, 2009

hi everyone. sorry i didn't update yesterday. i was very tired and disoriented. i think the sleeping pills really affected me all day. i had a hard time focusing and joining my thoughts together. kathy d. came and hung out with elisabeth so i could run to the store and then nap. i am so blessed to have so many awesome friends! i was able to go with elisabeth to disney on ice and even though i still felt out of it, it was worth watching the excitement on her face when her favorite characters would come out. today has been better, i did take a long nap, but i feel more with it. i'm going to mom's, my sister and her family are in town, and have a some quality time there. love you all, jennifer


  1. thanks for the updates!! we are praying for you, and your quick recovery from the treatments, and COMPLETE recovery!!!!!! It is great hearing your feeling better today.

  2. so glad you got to go to Disney on Ice with Elisabeth!!!
    Love you bunches and think of you all the time.
    ugmn7tmny7 nm7y nmy7 7y7y 7 9u9u999m ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (Caleb says hi too!)

  3. hi's me lacy...i love your blog...i think it is a wonderful way to gain and receive encouragement...i'm truly inspired by your grace and love thoughts and prayers are with you daily...p.s. i'm sending a casserole to you tomorrow via my mom... i hope you like it :)

  4. hey Jennifer - You do not know me my name is Pam Frantz. I got your contact from Annie Hernandez. I was diagnosed with breast cancer August 2007 (my gosh it has almost been 2 years). I went through the whole gamut of cancer treatment. I want you to know that I am available to talk with-if you want to talk about anything. I am curious-what chemical mix are you receiving in your chemo sets, and how often are you getting them? What Oncologist are you going to? You and your family are in my prayers.

    P.S. a couple of info points: Food-I consumed a ton of Starbucks Mocha/Vanilla Frapacinos 2 a day. The Mocha to take care of my coffee addiction (usually one in the A.M.). They were calming on my stomach and seemed to ease my throat-After a few sessions I got acid reflex. Second you should be able to enjoy your own hair up to your third chemo set. I also had long straight hair-after my second session I got it cut, donating it to Locks for Love and began to loose what I had left a couple of days after my third session. I also had anxiety over loosing my hair, but anxiety does not stop the process. When my hair began to come out-I had my husband shave my head. I invested in 2 wigs wore them for a couple of months - My husband bought me a pink baseball hat and that was the last time I wore my wigs. Again if you need anyone to talk to or just listen Please call me 904-885-8529.

  5. Jennifer - It is me again Pam Frantz. I went to your first blog to read earlier blogs and noticed your Oncologist is Dr. Abubakr. He is my Oncologist also - And he is wonderful!!!! I am so excited for you to have him to care for you.

    Be Blessed
