Friday, April 24, 2009

it's turned out to be a rough day. i took a shower this morning and great globs of hair just kept coming out. any time i would comb or even just touch it, more would come out. when sid woke up, i asked him to go ahead and shave it. i cried while he wasdoing it and when i got my first look in the mirror. i'm ok right now, i have scarf on. it is really just a shaved look at the moment, eventually i will be totally bald. elisabeth watched and then went into the office and did a picture and wrote "mom i love you". that made me cry again. hope did fine. she just said "hi momma" when i came out of the bathroom. anyway, please pray for strength to handle this part of it. i knew it would be hard and now that it's actually happening i am really struggling. thank you all, jennifer


  1. Oh Jen, I've been there, I'm crying right now just reading your blog and remembering how hard it was. Please know that it will get better and God is with you always. HIS love will make you and your girls stronger than you ever thought you could be. HIS grace will define this time in your life.

  2. Jennifer,
    The Lord's Prayer Ministry and Shofar Ministries, along with 1000 intercessors across the state of Florida are standing in faith believing for your healing. Romans 4:17. Continue to stand firm on your faith so that you may see your victory. I look forward to spending the day with you on the days you have chemo and will continue to encourage you to run your race well. JEN ALREADY WON IN JESUS NAME. Love, Kathy Gardner

  3. I can't relate to what you are experiencing, but being there with Sarah gives me a glimpse. I am crying along with you and love you bunches

