Monday, April 13, 2009

hi everyone. i had a busy weekend and then today has been a little tiring. i went to get my lab work done (they check my white and red blood counts). my white blood count is very low, not unexpected, but it does mean my resitance to infection is at its lowest point. i have to avoid crowds for a few days. i did have another example of wonderful frienships. valerie, who has the most beautiful long red hair, cut it to my length! she is donating it to locks of love in my honor and will keep her hair short until i can grow mine back. how awesome is that?! please continue to pray about being able to eat and drink enough. it has been a struggle today in particular. love, jennifer


  1. Hey Jen,
    I was wondering if you had a smoothie-maker and if the thought of cool, fruity, blends on your throat and stomach might be more appealing than eating right now? If so, Mike and I would love to bless you with one if you think it might help you get fluids and nutrition in. Please let us know.
    Love, Daureen

  2. Good morning Ms Jenifer, When I was going through my radiation, the only thing I could get down was Ensure. Mine was from my throat being so sore from the radiation, like a major sore throat. I made it through, I went from 220# to 167#, but not the diet I would recommend. God is good, and He has healing in store for all of us. Isaiah 53:5 and 1 Peter2:24 both tell us that by His (Christ) stripes we are healed. When Jesus came to deliver us, He did 2 different things. (1) He hung on a cross, His blood shed for our sins, our salvation. But what most people do not look at is the fact that His stripes, beating, is a separate thing. That is what Isaiah and Peter are referring to. By His stripes we are healed!!! The second part of His sacrifice. Healing is in Christs atonement. Look up what you can on healing, promises, and stand on them. Satan WILL try to steal it. But only if you let him. Christ has already healed you!!! Ask and you shall receive. Matt 7:7 A miracle healing is what I am praying for. That will be a testimony for our LORD. I was reading in John this morning. Several times Jesus said that if you do not believe Me (talking to religious leaders and unbelievers) at least believe the works/miracles. John 5:36 & 14:11-14 are just two of these verses. You will be a testimony to the healing power, and the reality of our LORD.
    Praise God, Grow in Faith
    Frank A

  3. Jennifer -

    It was wonderful speaking to you yesterday. In our conversation I mentioned getting together next week - I forgot that I will be up in NJ until the 25th to meet our newest member to the family. Rick's son and wife just had their third child, a baby girl (their second girl) her name is Sophie. Then I am home for 5 days and off to Las Vegas for a family get together with my brother and sister. After my bought with cancer I realize how important it is to make conscious efforts to spend time with those we hold close (before we all got together about every five years). So we planned the Las Vegas trip a year ago - everyone is soooooo excited to get together. We all plan to make a trip/reunion a yearly event.

    You mentioned your next session is on April 27th - I was thinking when I get back from Las Vegas maybe we can plan on getting together on May 11th. You should be feeling some what better by then. I will phone you and see if this works.

    Again you are in my prayers and hold tight to "This to will pass". Remember you can call anytime to talk.

    Pam Frantz
