Monday, April 27, 2009

i had my second round of chemo today and it went fine. i met with my oncologist beforehand and we talked about my PET scan i had a few weeks ago. he said i have something near my right ovary that will require a pelvic ultrasound. i'll do that after chemo and before surgery because it will probably need to be removed at the same time. he said it is benign and not to worry, but it does cause me some discomfort and he wants it out. i am a little tired. i'm not sure if it's because of the chemo or because i didn't sleep well. probably a little of both. i think i am better prepared to handle any reactions this time since i know what i felt last time. i will just take it moment by moment, day by day. thanks to those on stand-by this week. hopefully i won't need to drag anyone over here, but thanks for being available. love you, jennifer


  1. Glad it well, well as good as can anyways.
    Looking forward to being on call for meals next week! Can't wait to see you, and give you a big hug. Love you bunches

  2. Jennifer,
    My prayers are with you and your family. May God's grace and peace wrap around you this week and may you know that you are not alone.

